Prepare the Way…

This past Sunday was Septuagesima Sunday, the third Sunday before the beginning of Lent. Septuagesima Sunday (this past Sunday) and Sexagesima Sunday (this coming Sunday) are thought to have derived their names from Quinquagesima Sunday (Quinquagesima means “fiftieth”): Quinquagesima Sunday is the Sunday prior to Ash Wednesday, 49 days before Easter (or 50 if you include Easter).

What does all this mean for us? Well for one thing, Lent is fast approaching. Oftentimes I find that even with all the preparations for the beginning Lent (it’s hard to miss them: to name a couple, the priest now wears violet, and neither the Gloria nor the Alleluia will be sung again until the Easter Vigil, when Christ triumphs over death in His Resurrection) I still get caught off-guard by Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday arrives, I attend Mass and receive ashes made from the blessed palms from the previous year’s Palm Sunday (the ashes remind me that unto dust I will return) and it dawns on me I haven’t made any concrete plans for what penances I plan to do during the Lenten season…so I hastily make plans and usually when I make hasty plans I have a hard time sticking to them.

This year I won’t be caught off-guard. I’ve started a list of ideas for what I can do during Lent. Doing penance during Lent doesn’t have to be complicated – quite the opposite, actually – but having a plan helps to keep one on track.

Penance doesn’t have to be the omission of something (“I won’t have dessert during Lent”). It can also be the addition of something (“I will pray a daily rosary”). It can also be a resolution to do something (“I’ll wave and say hello to that unfriendly neighbor every time I see him/her, even though I’d rather run the other way”) or not do something (“I will not hit the snooze button when my alarm clock goes off”).

Penance doesn’t have to be profound – it can be very simple, and, in fact, sometimes it’s the simplest penances that are the hardest). For instance, I have a weak spot for Bailey’s coffee creamer (the non-alcoholic flavored ones like French Vanilla or Pumpkin Spice)…so, one of the items on my Lent penance list is to use regular milk in my coffee during Lent rather than the creamer I really like.

Having a plan, a list, is a great idea, but penances don’t have to be on your list in order to do them. Penance also can be done on the fly (“Today I’ll order water even though I really want ice tea”). Doing small “on the fly” penances can greatly help us to conquer our wills. Conquering our wills is of course necessary in order to fully give ourselves to Christ. If we learn to control our flesh and our senses in things that are not sinful (waiting 5 minutes to read that text message instead of grabbing the cell the instant it dings, drinking plain warm water instead of putting ice and a lemon wedge in our glass) it will be easier for us to resist and overcome temptations when they assault us.

So, there is still time…make a plan…prepare the way for a penitential Lent.

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