The Good News of the Catholic Faith

“Friend, have you heard the good news of the Gospel?” Protestants, at least in the South, make this question almost a cliché, using it as an evangelical introduction. Perhaps someone has even asked you this question.

In light of the darkness that has descended upon the world–and dare I say even the Church–in these post-Christian times, I would like to bring forward the good news of the Faith; for this is the message the world desperately desires, whether it realizes it or not. By rephrasing it the “good news of the Faith” rather than of the Gospel, I mean not that the Faith is somehow disjointed from the Gospel. Rather, the Faith includes not just the Scriptures but the fullness of revealed truth. Further, it has a transformative nature.

What is the Good News of the Faith?

Before sharing the good news, we should understand our terms. We should ask ourselves, what actually is the good news of the Faith? I think the answer is similar to what Protestants would say yet very different at the same time.

What, then, is the good news of the Faith? The good news of the Faith is this:

  • That God has revealed Himself and has given us the Truth, to set us free. Men need not be lost in the darkness and lies of paganism; nor must we go through life ignorant.
  • That, not content with this, God, on account of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, has made it possible for men to stop being the enemies of God. Men can be reconciled to God.
  • That, not content with this, God makes it possible not simply for men’s transgressions to be forgotten or covered up but actually forgiven and removed. Men can be sanctified.
  • That, not content with this, God has deigned not merely to restore friendship with men but to bestow upon them that will accept His grace “the adoption of the sons of God” (also Romans 8:23).
  • That, not content with this, God makes good on the empty promise of the serpent to Adam and Eve, “that they may be as gods“. Men can participate in the very life of God Himself.
  • That, not content with this, God has made it possible for the adopted sons of God to participate in the redemptive mission of the Son of God.
  • That, not content with this, God has not left us orphans in this world but has become our very Food, present in our tabernacles, and has given us a foretaste of that heavenly union we hope to obtain, and a pledge of future glory, by giving us Himself in the Holy Eucharist.
  • And, finally, that God has provided the means to achieve these things, and has left these means to the care and administration of his Church, the Church he gave us.

How Good is this News?

Many of the above points are similar to what Protestants would say. Others are not. But my point is this: isn’t what our Catholic Faith has to give us unbelievably good–even beyond our wildest hopes? Is there any other good news we can hear that can begin to compare with this good news? We can possess God Himself and share in His life. We can be holy, not just act in holy ways. Indeed, we can be holy in God’s eyes through his sanctifying grace, not just appear holy in God’s eyes, as if through some supernatural schizophrenia, whereby He looks the other way.

The good news of the Faith goes beyond a simple reconciliation, which alone would be good news, indeed. Yes, it even goes beyond the Protestant understanding of the good news.

See also The Cure for Hell.

About the Featured Image

The featured image is a detail from Saint Paul Preaching at Athens by Giovanni Paolo Panini. It is in the public domain in the United States according to The Athenaeum.

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